Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Inner Life of a Cell

A very small percentage of all the good stuff that is going on in a cell.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

What People Who Wear Glasses Can't See

People who wear glasses can't see these important things:

  1. We can't see the glasses when they are lost.
  2. We can't see what our faces look like without glasses.
  3. We can't see what our faces look like when we try on new glasses.
  4. We can't see our toes in the shower.
  5. We can't see what other people look like when they try on our glasses. I can only hope that they aren't doing impressions of me.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Exploring Antique Bridge

This bridge is in Warsaw, MO. It was built in the 20's. It is held up by bundles of what looks like hay baling wire. Bouncey!

Monday, September 04, 2006

What a Perfect Morning

Labor Day weekend, out at Truman Lake. Reading Captivating, drinking coffee, watching the mists rise.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Free From Cutting Hair AGAIN

I quit Great Clips for the fourth time. .. Or is it the fifth? "Quitting is the easiest thing in the world! I've done it lots of times!"

I'm working for a real estate agent, Sarina. She always knows of houses that need something. No more flipping houses for us. It takes too long while we wait for them to sell.

Australian Cuisine: Shrimp on the Bar-B

Jeremy cooked delicious shrimp on the Bar-B.

Really, it's the visual form of a pun: Shrimp on the Barbie.

It LOOKS like fries and ketchup, but it's a food masquerade. This is toasted slices of cake with raspberry puree sauce.

Tore Out the Old Gravity Furnace

Tore out the old furnace and now we have forced air heat and central AC. Got 35 bucks for all the old scrap metal. Added treat: our home is now free from asbestos.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Umm, Religious Question

I asked my new aquaintence if he was raised in church. He said, "Well, my Mom is Catholic and my Dad is a Republican."

Sunday, March 12, 2006


Jeremy and I went to the most culturally diverse party in our lives. It was a birthday party for a black (Jamaican?) lady and was hosted by an Hispanic man who is a gifted cook. There were about 15 whites, 5 blacks and 2 Mexicans. I think Jeremy and I were the only marrieds. We danced to salsa music, Depeche Mode and Gospel. The age range included gray-heads and college students. Even the cat and dog were hanging out together.

It was the most fun I've had since the float trip.