Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Adventure Guy, Fruits and Veggies

Jeremy does all of the cooking in the house. I hate cooking. I do the dishes.

I asked Jeremy to make more fruits and veggies. I even have a sign in the kitchen, "Five a day for better health!" He is being quite creative. Today I had dried fruits and nuts with little bits of Heath candy bars. Effective delivery system.

Me: "What are you making, Jeremy? It smells good."

J: "Cherry Jello with strawberries. It's a fruit delivery system."

Me: "Delivery System?! Isn't that a military term as in, 'warhead delivery system'"?

J: "Yup."

It's Halloween, and Jeremy's been shopping. We now have a Jello mold in the SHAPE OF A BRAIN!!!!!!!!! A big, wiggling, lumpy, human brain molded of red Jello and strawberries. I never noticed the unpleasant sucking sounds that a serving of Jello makes when it goes onto a plate. It was more disgusting than when I actually ate brain. Even worse, it was made with Nutrasweet.

Tangible proof my husband loves me.


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