Sunday, November 28, 2004

The Girls Conquer Furnace Fumes

Furnace fumes were rising up towards the chimney, but redirecting themselves into a hairpin turn and coming back out the water heat exhaust duct, into the house.

It was really smokey at first, but then when I lit the water heater, the hot updraft made some improvement. It started sucking the bad air up the chimney. The biggest problem was how humid the exhaust was. Water condensed on all the windows and dripped on the woodwork. 90-year-old woodwork is not waterproof!

I called my furnace guy Charles, and he sent me a girl! I felt a sense of vindication. Hey, I'm not the only chick in the house business! I grabbed the exhaust duct and started pulling it out of the chimney, so that we could check for a clog. The other girl cranked and wiggled the duct to work it out of the cement. She was the brave one who stuck her hand in the chimney. "Oh, Wow! Look at all this! That's our problem!" She started dragging out huge handfulls of dirt. It looked like garden soil. I imagine it was 90 years of composting pidgeon poop. It was stinky enough. After she got it dragged out onto the floor, the pile stood about 8 inches tall.

The exhaust is working great, now. No more wet windows or smelly fumes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Anita, you are not "the only chick in the house business" I am glad you got help from another girl. I really admire people with technical skills just like I admire athlets, whether men or women!


7:31 PM  

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