Monday, November 21, 2005

Our New Friend, Brandy

Brandy is our furnace/AC repair person. She has come out 3 or 4 times to tend our investment properties.

She introduced us to an interest of hers this week. She is a sushi -aholic. We ate at Fugi in Westport last night. It was the first time I had a dinner so good that I was thinking about it all the next day. It's affecting my purchasing choices at the job site. I kept doing the math to try to figure out how many sushi treats various projects cost.

We got to know our HVAC girl a little better over the soy sauce. She has decided that her government-provided high school education was a little spotty here and there, so she is shoring up the weak areas with some History studies. Now, who does that? Most of us just sigh and say, "I guess I missed out."... contented with our ignorance. Not Brandy. Along with studying History and just doing more reading in general, she is taking guitar classes. Aren't you impressed? Don't you feel like going out and learning something? I know I'm inspired.


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